Keeping tabs on your parcels is easy with Interparcel. Whether you're shipping with leading services like StarTrack, CouriersPlease, FedEx, or another trusted courier, our advanced tracking system ensures you stay updated every step of the way. Just enter your tracking number to access real-time updates about your parcel's journey.
Every parcel booked through Interparcel is assigned a unique tracking number. This digital ID allows you to follow your shipment as it moves through the delivery process. From collection to transit and final delivery, you’ll have complete visibility over your parcel's journey.
Our tracking tool works seamlessly for both domestic deliveries across Australia and international shipments, providing accurate and timely updates to keep you informed.
We collaborate with the top couriers in Australia to bring you reliable and convenient tracking. Some of the couriers you can monitor through our platform include:
At Interparcel Australia, we don’t just provide a tracking tool—we offer a complete tracking experience. Here's what sets our service apart:
Tracking a parcel with Interparcel Australia is quick and straightforward. Here’s how it works:
If you encounter any issues, our support team is here to help resolve them quickly.
Once delivered, your tracking status will update to 'Delivered,' and proof of delivery (POD) may also be available for viewing.
Yes, our system supports tracking for international shipments with couriers like FedEx, UPS, and DHL.
Delays can happen due to weather, customs, or other factors. In this event you can contact our support team for further assistance.
Yes, most couriers provide estimated delivery times, which are visible in the tracking results once your parcel is in transit.
Our tracking system isn’t just about seeing where your parcel is—it’s packed with extra features to enhance your experience:
Whether you’re shipping locally within Australia or managing international logistics, Interparcel Australia makes parcel tracking simple, efficient, and reliable.