Product Video productions

How to Produce Video for Your Products

2nd November 2022, 6:06am in Business by Laura Hurtado Isalt

You’ve probably noticed a significant increase in video marketing.

It might be on TikTok, Instagram Reels, or even YouTube Shorts. More brands are using video to showcase their products. When you look at the numbers, it’s easy to see why.

Safari Digital reported that video is five times more likely to lead to a conversion than written content alone. It also said that web pages with video are 53% more likely to be displayed on page one of Google.

So how can you produce a video for your products and achieve these results? Thankfully, you don’t need to be Steven Spielberg or have access to a film crew. Here’s all you need to get started.

The Benefits of Using Video for Your Products

Besides the statistics above, there are many other benefits of using video for your business. Some of the most popular include:

  • You can showcase your product from every single angle and replicate an in-store experience.
  • It provides another form of storytelling that can engage your customer's emotions.
  • You can provide detailed explanations of the product benefits with the accompanying visuals.
  • You can incorporate user-generated content of your customers using your product.
  • There are multiple popular social media platforms to showcase your video, including YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, and even Facebook.
  • ReelSEO found that 50% of customers are less likely to return a product when they watch a video demonstration.

How to Produce Video

You don’t have to go to Hollywood to produce video for your business. All you need is a plan and a phone to get started.

Planning Your Video

The best place to begin is to decide what type of video you want to produce. You don’t want to yell Lights! Camera! Action! and have no idea where to point your phone. There are multiple types of movies you can produce. It could be a demonstration video where you highlight features and benefits or something short and sweet which highlights your brand.

Plan out as much as you can. It’s a good idea to create a storyboard for the video. It can look like a comic book where there are images for each of the shots or a table in a document with a description for each of the visuals you want in the movie. Once it’s all mapped out, it’s time to shoot!

Shooting the Video

It would be nice if you could just point the camera and shoot the footage you need. However, you’ll want to consider some of these tips for a high-quality video.

  • Use a tripod so you can keep your shots steady and looking professional.
  • Avoid using the zoom function as it can make the visuals grainy. If you want a close-up, move toward the action.
  • Think about what you’re shooting for. If it’s for TikTok or Instagram Reels, keep your phone vertical. For YouTube, you might want it to be horizontal.
  • Be mindful of the lighting. Don’t shoot towards the sun or the light source in the room. Try to have it behind the subject you’re filming.
  • Don’t forget about the audio. Always use a microphone instead of the phone or camera functions. It will sound a lot better.
product video

Editing the Video

Now that you have all your footage, it’s time to put it together. You can use popular video editing software like Premiere Pro or Final Cut to put your film together. If you’re using your phone, there are plenty of other options available, like LumaFusion, Apple iMovie, and Filmr.

After you’ve finished editing based on your storyboard, pick some music that will suit your video. You can use platforms like BenSound that don’t require you to purchase a license. Once you’ve got the final cut, you can upload it to your website or social media platforms.

Make the Time to Film Your Product Video

It might seem easy to produce video for products, but it can take a lot of time and effort to put one together. However, it can result in many benefits for your business, including higher conversions and more customers finding your store. You just need to find a way to reduce some of the other tasks you complete manually for your company. For example, shipping parcels.

Interparcel’s multicarrier shipping solution makes it simple and easy for you to get parcels out the door. You can import orders from multiple ecommerce platforms and marketplaces, find the best rate from various couriers, and provide customers with tracking notifications all from one single platform. Start saving time today so you can produce video and use Interparcel for all your fulfilment needs.

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