Shipping Solutions
Made Simple

Multiple Couriers at Your Fingertips!

Stay ahead of your competitors with your choice of couriers,
fast customer service, and time saving automation tools.


Shipping Freedom At Its Finest

Interparcel van

Trusted Couriers

Whether you have a preference or you're just looking for the cheapest shipping service, the Interparcel platform means you can send small and large parcels overseas or domestic. Select your choice of courier services, with more than 30 years experience in the industry.

computer with the dollar symbol crossed

$0 Subscription Costs

You pay for shipping expenses, isn't that enough? With Interparcel, you get our eCommerce shipping integration, shipping manager, and our single ship calculator all at no additional fees or subscription costs. Plus we have no lock-in contracts!

person icon with 5 star reviews underneath

Top Rated Customer Service

With millions of parcels sent and delivered with our courier services, we've learnt a thing or two. Our customer service agents are top-rated in Australia and are ready to be at your beckon call. You can expect a 2-min call wait, instant chat and 2-hour wait time for emails.

Our Partners

Courier icons
Retailer working on the computer with boxes next to her

eCommerce Shipping Just Got Better

Experience cost-effective, simplified, and speedy shipping with Interparcel's Ecommerce integration. In just one click, you can integrate to your shop to dispatch and fulfil orders easier than ever before. To top it off, you can benefit from our array of automation tools that help save time and simplify your shipping operations to the core.




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How It Works

Integrations page with Shopify, WooCommerce and Ebay logos

1. Integrate Your Stores

Interparcel seamlessly integrates with dozens of popular platforms such as Shopify, eBay and WooCommerce.

Fetch orders buttons with several ecommerce platforms

2. Import Your Orders

Fetch all your orders from every ecommerce platform into a single dashboard.

Select a service page with several courier services

3. Choose Your Courier

Select your preferred courier service for your specific needs and process your orders at the click of a button. You send it. We ship it.

One Dashboard to Rule Them All!

Are you searching for a reliable parcel delivery solution that takes the stress out of fulfilment?

With Interparcel, you can manage every aspect of your fulfilment in one convenient location. Import orders from all your ecommerce platforms and marketplaces. Choose from Australia's largest range of courier providers. Automate manual and repetitive tasks.

You can do it all from the Interparcel dashboard!

Create a FREE Account Today
Interparcel Shipping Platform

Shipping in Action

Download our Shipping Guide

10 Free Shipping Strategies to Win Customers and Still Stay Profitable

Looking for ways to promote free shipping without breaking the bank? While your customers might be excited about not spending any more for delivery, your accountant is likely sweating bullets while they try to figure out who will pay the courier costs.

Retailer packing a parcel

How to Pack Your Parcel

Whether you are shipping domestic or internationally, your parcel will be transported and handled by many people. It's very important to pack your items safely to avoid damaged products or delivery issues and, by consequence, customer disappointment. Here's a complete guide on how to pack your parcel!

How to Fulfil Your Orders From our Shipping Manager

Discover the ease and efficiency of managing your shipping needs with Interparcel's Shipping Manager in our latest tutorial video. We guide you step-by-step through the process, demonstrating how you can use our Shipping Manager to easily fulfil your orders.

Futureproof Your Shipping

Is next or same day parcel delivery possible for my business? Which courier and pricing is best for me? Don't decide alone!
Get all the answers with a customised shipping strategy with our Interparcel Australian Shipping Experts:

Join Thousands of Satisfied Store Owners

Supporting ecommerce brands to create better customer experience:

Need Answers?

It's normal to have questions. Here are some of the most common ones we get all the time:

How do I post a parcel?

To send a parcel, follow these easy steps:

  1. Enter your parcel's details into our shipping calculator, including the dimensions, weight, and destination.
  2. Choose a delivery service that suits your needs.
  3. Pay for your shipment using a credit or debit card or PayPal.
  4. Print out the shipping labels and attach them to your parcel.
  5. Ensure your parcel is ready for collection at the specified time.
  6. Track your parcel using our tracking page.

Does Interparcel ship internationally?

Yes! Interparcel enables you to send parcels or freight to more than 250 countries and territories worldwide. You can conveniently compare quotes from various international courier services on a single platform and choose the one that suits your requirements and budget. Seize the chance to expand your business and achieve greater success!

How does Interparcel compare to other shipping carriers?

Interparcel's success lies in our ability to provide customised shipping solutions that guide retailers through the complexities of parcel delivery. Our technology can help you grow by reducing manual processes and complications associated with fulfilment, all through our free, innovative, and user-friendly shipping platform.

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